Dunajec, first trout fishing in Poland

I came to Poland in January 2015. This trip was my first fishing in Poland ever. The guide, Piotr Michna of polishwovennymphs.com, organized this trip for me. Piotr suggested that we should go to the river Dunajec in town Krościenko nad Dunajcem, to the special "no kill" section, dedicated for fly flshing and catch-and-release only. Beginning of the season means usually streamer time, so I prepared some streamers. Piotr gave me a rod with sinking line. We arrived to the spot, called "First wall" (Perwszy mur) on the river Dunajec. It's called like that, because of long concrete wall, which separates river from the highway and protects road bed from flood damage. We started at the pool across the wall, from opposite side. The tactic was very simple - cast 90 degree to the opposite side, let it swing downstream, and strip at the same time. I had two steamers attached - bigger olive zonker on the end of the leader, and small black woolybugger on the dropp...