Streamer and nymph on Dunajec

Since I got familiar with Dunajec, I started to visit it quite often. Particularly, I stuck to area near adventure park in Krościenko nad Dunajcem, because it's easy to reach, and you can fish both sides of the river. There's couple of places, where oit's possible to wade across to the opposite side. First, I started with nymphs. I had some success, but fish weren't big. I explored area near the bank, just under adventure park. There's a high bank with trees and bushes. It's only possible to fish from the middle of the river. I threw heaviest nymph to the rapids, just below big boulder. Oh, fish! Nice trout, bigger than my usual catch. Now I know where to search for bigger ones. They are sitting under whitewater, below the rapids. But it's only possible with very heavy nymph, to reach the bottom in plunge pools. Here is that nymph, on the right. I got one more fish in the rapids with similar way. Next time, I decided to switch to st...