Mini Eurotour Part 3. River Belá, Chateau GrandCastle - Dovalovo

On the next day, 16.06, we planned to visit river Vah above Bela junction. But, our guide Michal checked the last fishing reports and concluded that there are low numbers of fish in upper Vah, and suggested to change plan. So we went to Bela again, but to explore different part of it, above Chateau GrandCastle historical castle and restaurant in Liptovski Hradok. This river section is different in character. It is very fast, with lots of rapids, and not so many fishable water. So it's supposed to be more walking and searching for spots. But, walking also part of the fishing. We started just near the castle, above the highway bridge. There are lot of rapids, and between them, nice stretch of shallow and more calm flow. Typical grayling water. Igor caught the first fish, again. Nice size grayling! I and Michal had no strikes. We decided to go further upstream, and walked almost 1,5 km via old forest road, to the village Dovalovo. River is even more wild and hard to wad...