I love DH, Drwęca pt.2

13 May I attended meeting of "I Love DH" movement enthusiasts. It was on the parking in Nowa Wieś. There was grill, tables, drinks, and tackle demonstration provided by Maciej Gałgański, owner of the brand Ego. Maciej brought some new rods for the field test. Robert Karlewski, organizer of the meeting, casting Ego Innovative Glass 8'6" 6 class rod with Tactical Skagit head. Here's my attempt, captured on the video: snap-c, snap-t and perry poke. After semi-official part, we went fishing. Robert agreed to be a guide, and shown me some his favorite spots. We drove to the spot, so-called "Straszna góra" (scary mountain). It's a stretch with fast water, cobblestones, and submerged trees on the other side. It looks very "fishy", but we had no contacts. I found that Skagit line (either with DH or SH rod) is the best for this river. There are many obstacles, bushes, trees, high banks, and wading is very limited, so it'...