Rainbow from Skawa river

Another try on Skawa river "no kill" section near Wadowice. River was low, 104 cm and 5,2 m3/sec. But water was even more dirty than on previous weekend, almost opaque. In such water, the most reliable method is probably Czech nymph. I'm more into streamer kind of thing, but let's try with nymphing. I assembled my 11' 3wt rod Traper Guide nymph, and rigged with hot pink squirmy worm, or "Parkinson", how it's called in Poland. Pretty soon, I got a first bite. That was decent rainbow, dangerous for my 0,12 mm (6X) tippet. I played it carefully, allowed to spool out my reel a little bit, then ran downstream and netted it. Luckily, I netted fish and it self-released from the hook immediately , already in the net. Nice, strong, bright rainbow trout in perfect condition! After first fish, I switched to my streamer rod, rigged with OPST Smooth 175, 7,5' sink tip and colorful spurple streamer. In my previous trip, I got 3 rainbows on...