In search of chubs

Chubs are excellent opportunity for fly fishing in warm water rivers of Europe, where trout do not live. They are eager to take almost any fly, but the most exciting is dry fly method with big terrestrial imitations. Foam beetles and grasshoppers can be very successful in the summertime, especially in warmest days. We with friend explored lower portions of the river Skawa. This section looked awesome, with many fallen trees, riffles and pocketwater. The river was low, 115 cm at Wadowice and flow 8 m3/s. It looks like a chub paradise. They love to hide under obstacles, and attack any insect swimming by. But, to our disappointment, there were no takes. What's happened with this river? Where is the fish? We don't know :-( No bites on foam beetle. Neither on Czech nymph in the deep holes. We drove another 20 km to Wisła. Vistula, or Wisła, is a big river. But I found the place, where is big shallow riffle. It looks like a good place for fly fishing. ...