My PB trout on dry fly. Epic fight on Epic rod.

Vah river in Slovakia is quite famous for it's big rainbow trout, willing to take dry fly. In previous year, I had couple of outstanding trips on Vah, both in terms of numbers and quality of fish. This year I had far less fishing trips, and overall not very successful. I came to the river early in the morning. It was cold, air temperature +3 C. But water was still warm, +15 C. River level was low, 35 cm at Besenova station. I started with euro nymphing gear in the rapids. Very fast water section , which creates pockets near the bottom, with slow current, or even backcurrent. Big trout often stay in such bottom pockets. The only way to reach them in water like this is super-heavy Czech nymph. Tuck cast with super-heavy piece of tungsten, and nymph penetrates through the broken surface to the bottom in seconds, before it washed away by current. Usually, if fish is hanging under the rapids, it reacts immediately. Couple of casts, and I got a fish. I...