Headwaters of Skawica

Skawica is rather small mountain stream , a tributary to Skawa, which originates on slopes of Babia Góra mountain, and joins Skawa near Maków Podhalański. The upper stretch of the river in Zawoja has "no kill" section, which is particularly interesting for fly fishermen. Unfortunately, the best time for this stream, when it was stocked intensively, passed. Lack of protection, poaching, and low water periods, made fish population scarce. But, the stream itself is very picturesque. The river runs in deep canyon. The access is limited, due to rugged terrain, and lack of parking space. The river surrounded by private property, and there's very few places, when fishermen can leave a car and descend to the water. Skawica in headwater section is very high gradient stream, with many small waterfalls and rapids. Plunge pools behind the waterwallf usually are obvious holding spots, because between the rapids river is very shallow, especially in the mid-summer I used euro n...