Chubs Chubs Chubs

Chubs chubs chubs. I never caught them on Raba. But this day is an exception. The river level is the same as in previous days, 240-241 cm, flow 9,20-9,53 m3/s. I started from bright pink silicone worm, and got this. Nice fat chub. Fish had some symmetric wounds on the spine, probably otter bite. Not bad start. Unfortunately, other fish were not cooperative. No graylings, no trout. I've seen couple of graylings rising on a caddis hatch. But not too many. Despite of nice weather conditions, I didn't catch anything else. On the way back, I caught another chub. On small black nymph with hot orange head. I fished until the darkness came. Fish, where you are? I don't know. Raba is not a fishless river. It is stocked regularly with brown trout, also there are rainbows, graylings, chubs, and barbels. But today only 2 chubs paid attention to my nymphs.