Dirty water isn't always as bad as you may think

I didn't go fishing for the most of the summer. There were hiking trips, orienteering competitions, family holidays and other things. So this is my last fishing weekend in the summer. Also, we have trout season closure in Poland from 1st of September. The conditions were not the best. Raba is dirty, water clarity is 40 cm or so. Level at Dobczyce 251 cm, flow 10,2 cm3/s. The water wasn't very high, actually im very comfortable with 250-260 cm. I don't like when it's below 230, because river is too skinny, and gravel starting to cover with nasty sludge in shallow places. I started in one of my favourite locations, where I got earlier biggest trout on Raba in this year. Deep places didn't produce anything. But I got small chub and couple of brown trout near the bank, in shallow water. I was sceptical about today because of the weather and water conditions. But, already went out of zero. Both fish on small brown nymph with hot orange head. There were no bites at al...