Vah in Besenova, rainbow paradise

Today Vah river section between Ivachnova and Besenova looked better. The water was still colored, but clarity about 1 m. River level at Besenova 37 cm, temperature 16 C. I started fishing from the pool near white bridge in Ivachnova. It is one of the biggest pools in the C&R river section, and it is a home for many big fish. In the beginning fishing was slow. No activity in 40 minutes. Then I got a strike. Fish was strong, and probably big. I think it was a rainbow trout. After short fight, the tension released. I pulled out the rig, and found that the bottom nymph was torn out. What a disaster! First fish, and it's gone. There were no other takes in this pool. I moved to the other side of the river. There is main current, separated from slow and shallow river part. Current seams are one of the most trout holding water. The place was just perfect for euro nymphing. I got a strike, and it was rainbow again. Not very big, probably 40-45 cm. But it ...