An expedition to Jurassic rivers

There's a geological formation in Poland, called Kraków-Częstochowa Upland, also known as the Polish Jurassic Highland or simply Jura. The term related to Jurassic geologic period.

There are a number of rivers that originate from the Jura, among them the Warta, Biała Przemsza, Pilica, Dłubnia, Szreniawa, Prądnik, Wiercica .

Jurassic rivers have something in common. In their upper part, they are mostly small streams, 3-15 m in width. Bottom is sandy with patches of gravel.  Access to the water is challenging for fly fisherman. Banks are covered by dense bushes, or forest, and there's a lot of logjams in the stream flow.

Warta is one of the longest Polish rivers. It's length is 808 km. But in the upper part it is a typical small trout stream.

Before this trip, I investigated access points to the Warta in Google maps. It is not easy task. River is surrounded by dense bushes , and there's a lot of private property around, and no paved roads going to the river, with exception of road bridges.

I found on the map ruins of old watermill. There's footbridge over the river. I found access road, going to private house. I parked near the house, and walked to the bridge.  River looked good, water was low and clear. Level 61 cm in Poraj, flow 1,7 m3/sec. Water temperature 3,5 C.

Problem with this river is that there's not too many places, where you can cast a fly rod. Banks are steep and overgrown by bushes and trees. After some bushwalking, I found a place, where I can cast , using OPST skagit head and roll cast.  It's almost impossible to use overhead cast on this river.  

The stretch looked promosing, with many logjams and obstacles, where trout may hide. I ran my streamer where it was possible to reach without snagging trees. But' trout didn't react.

I drove to another place, near road bridge. I met two spinning fishermen. They just started.
That place was too uncomfortable to fish with fly rod. So, I left it soon.

Billboards on the trees inform visitors, that this is "Catch and release" part of the river. Barbless hooks are mandatory. 

I found another perspective place on the map. It is where small tributary enters Warta. Nearest parking spot was near the gates of some private property.  Property looked like abandoned. There's house inside with boarded-up windows. Gates are rusty. Nobody lives here for sure, but I moved my car a little bit forward, so it doesn't block the gates. Who knows?

After walking through marsh and bushes, I found the river.  There was very promising hole, but impossible to fish from this side. I decided to cross the river and approach from other side. 

I met two spinning fishermen. They also got nothing.  
Hole looked pretty good, with deep water and fallen trees in the river. There must be trout for sure. But, nobody attached my streamers.

I walked downstream, crossed to the left side again.  River is easy to cross, where it's knee-deep. But there are some deeper parts, and maximal depth is unknown. I believe there's some chest-deep spots under that steep banks, up to 1,5 m.

There's not so many usable places for fly fishing, so it was for me more bushwalking than fishing.  You go to the next spot, only to make 3-5 casts. Then the hole is exhausted. Even if there was a fish, it can be scared by continuous effort, so it makes sense to leave the place after few casts.

This spot is very deep. Probably it was better to fish with heavy nymph.

Numerous logjams offer excellent protection for trout. But also, they offer good chance to snag. 

I think there's many trout. But I had no bites. Maybe it's too cold. Week ago there was a snowstorm with night temperatures up to -12 C.

The last stretch of the river was almost impossible to fish. I was tired, and climbed through steep bank to the road. 
I walked back to my car. To my surprise, the gate was opened. And there was a van inside, near abandoned house. So, my impression was wrong.  That's why it's very important do not block the gates. 

I drove to the next river, Biała Przemsza near Slawków. It is also Catch-and-release part. The river was very high and dirty. I swung my streamer few times, without luck.  It's too early to start to fish.

Next river I visited, was Sztoła near town Bukowno. Sztoła is a small stream (but deep!), which runs through pine forests and sandy hills. The area is very pictoresque.

There' s picnic area near the river, with table and rain shelter.

Unfortunately, water was very dirty. The same as in Biała Przemsza.

Below sandy "beach" area, Sztoła is very small, but deep. There can be 1 meter of depth under this bank.

So, my trip to Jura was not very successful. But, I found many beautiful places. Also, I figured out that only Warta and Rudawa run clear. Rivers from Biała Przemsza basin and tributaries are high and dirty, not fishable. Will wait for better conditions.


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