There's no bad weather for fishing

Last couple of days I spent on my home river. On Friday 22.06, I went fishing in the evening. Water level was very low, 221 cm, flow 3,5 - 3,7 m3/s. It's not very good for fishing, when flow is low, cobblestone bottom got covered with unpleasant slimy algae. That stuff constantly clings to flies, and it requires to clean hooks on every second cast. Disgusting! River was a bit crowded. There was 2 other fishermen in the pool. But they were more talking than fishing, so I got an advantage and occupied the best spot in the head of the pool, where's faster current. Faster current means less algae, and less necessity to clean the flies. I set up scud imitation as anchor fly, and pink head micronymph on the dropper. Big rainbow took fly fiercely, short fight, and fish gone. I didn't mention, which nymph it took. More attempts, and second fish took the fly. Also decent rainbow. Fish ran upstream, then downstream. I released reel to let it go....