There's no bad weather for fishing

Last couple of days I spent on my home river. On Friday 22.06, I went fishing in the evening.  Water level was very low, 221 cm, flow 3,5 - 3,7 m3/s. It's not very good for fishing, when flow is low, cobblestone bottom got covered with unpleasant slimy algae. That stuff constantly clings to flies, and it requires to clean hooks on every second cast. Disgusting!  
River was a bit crowded. There was 2 other fishermen in the pool. But they were more talking than fishing, so I got an advantage and occupied the best spot in the head of the pool, where's faster current.  Faster current means less algae, and less necessity to clean the flies. 

I set up scud imitation as anchor fly, and pink head micronymph on the dropper. Big rainbow took fly fiercely, short fight, and fish gone.  I didn't mention, which nymph it took. 
More attempts, and second fish took the fly. Also decent rainbow. Fish ran upstream, then downstream. I released reel to let it go. Fish jumped and.... shoot!  No fish, no fly.  Rusty brown scud was torn off.  Too sad, because it was the last fly of that kind.  

I tied in olive scud instead of brown, and continued.  Another rainbow grabbed the fly, now it was netted successfully.

That fish was 50 cm, fat and heavy. I think it weighted 1,8 or 2 kg.  It had a chopped tail, a sign of fish escaped from commercial farm.

Here's the fly , on which it was caught.  
hook: Hends BL120 No.18
head: 2,5 mm tungsten, hot pink
body: turkey biot over brown dubbing
throat: rusty orange dubbing

I spent 3 hours, but there was no more fish takes.  But even one fish is not too bad, if it's that big.

On Saturday 23.06 I planned to go fishing, but there was rain almost all day. and I was too lazy to get out of the bed. So I watched TV all day, and didn't bother to go out.

Sunday 24.06. I woke up late, and arrived to the river near 11:00 AM.  The river was low, same 222 cm. But recent heavy rain made it more muddy. Water was greenish color, with clarity nearly 50 cm. 

I started again in the head of the pool, with the same pink head micronymph.  Soon, I hooked that beauty. This fish not looked like worn down, with more fresh appearance.  

I was bored a bit with Czech nymphing, and wanted to catch something on streamer. I loaded small glass rod Ego Glass LW4 (7'8" 4 wt) with OPST Commando 175 skagit head, and 8' intermediate polyleader.  I attached olive zonker with dumbbell eyes, and ran it down and across.  
In the middle of the pool, I got a strike, but fish come off the hook.  Soon, I hooked another one, small brown trout.

There's something wrong in this world, when big fish takes very small fly, and small fish takes big fly.  I changed zonker with black wooly bugger of smaller size.  After few unsuccessful attempts, I got a strike , and it was much more powerful trout.  It jumped 5 or 6 times, before I netted it. It was a spectacular fight.  And that was 42 cm brown.  Not bad!

I walked down the river, and probed two other my favorite places. Heavy rain started. It was 20 min or so, then it calmed down.  Fish didn't take in all places I know. 
I decided to change location, and drove 20 km upstream to headwaters.  River is smaller there, but water was even more dirty, brownish color. There was intense showers recently.

I ran Czech nymph setup through deep and fast channel.  All what I got was small brown trout, and small silver fish called "riffle minnow" (Alburnoides bipunctatus). It is small fish of carp family, which lives in fast streams, in the same type of water as trout and grayling. It has no value for anglers, but it serves as decent prey for big predatory trout. 

Another rain was coming. Fish didn't bite very well, so I decided to finish. Weather wasn't very pleasing, but there's no bad weather for fishing.  


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