Czarny Dunajec, Festiwal Sztuki Łowenia

7-8 July there was fly fishing festival, organized by Polish fly fishing magazine "Sztuka łowenia na sztuczną muchę" (The art of fly fishing). Program of the festival for 7.08 included: -Introduction by Mirek Pieślak, chief editor of Sztuka Łowenia magazine. -Demonstration of fishing equipment and other goods from sponsors (Loop, Scierra, Traper, Orvis, Winston, Simms, Royal Wulff, Patagonia), by fly shops , , . Sorry, if I forgot to mention someone else. -Basic mechanics of fly casting, demo and detailed explanation by Igor Glinda, owner of fly fishing center -Casting clinic , provided by certified instructor Marek Puczyński and Igor Glinda -Dry fly techniques and tactics, by fly fishing guide Mirek Wnuk -Spey casting with double handed rod, by Piotr Talma (certified THCI) -Single hand and switch rod casting demo with Skagit lines, by Robert Karlewski, organizer of "I Love DH" festivals -Fly tying m...