Sztoła exploration on the last winter day.

28 February I took day off on my work, to explore small river Sztoła, a tributary of Biała Przemsza. Polish river name Sztoła originated from German word "stollen" (adit in English), type of horizontal mining shaft. The water in the river coming from underground from mining drainage, here's the name. Sztoła has very winding course. There's few observation points on the top of sand cliffs, and foot trail going along these spectacular viewpoints. From fishing prospective, Sztoła was a home for native brown trout. Unfortunately, water in the river is very milky and turbid, due to wastewater from mining enterprise. There were efforts by nature conservation organization "Przyiacele Białej Przemszy" to restore habitat in the river, by creating spawning grounds for trout in the lower section of the river. Fine gravel was brought to the river and new spawning cite created in 2011. Unfortunately, according to Przyjacele web page, it served only one y...