First time with dry fly in this year

Today was very warm and sunny. Air temperature +16 C. Due to lack of snow this winter, most rivers running low, which is unusual for March/April. Skawa river was very low and clear, 105 cm and flow 5,5 m3/s. Year ago it was 160 and 28 m3/s at the same time. Water temperature was nearly +7,5 C. Good prognosis for trout fishing. First, I climbed to the bridge and checked, where the fish can be. You can see fish perfectly at such a water level. I spotted a couple of decent size trout grabbing mayflies. Dry fly is an obvious choice! I assembled my Epic 580 glass rod, long 12' leader, and tied in CDC mayfly imitation. Fish were rising here and there. My fly slowly drifted through the pool. Fish on! After a short fight, I brought my first brown trout in the season to the net. I first time used my new Huawei P30 Pro phone as a camera in fishing trip. It's quite decent camera on it's own with 3 lenses and 5x physical zoom, ...