Skjern diaries Part 5. Birthday gift

29th was my birthday and I expected a gift from Mother Nature, you may guess which one . But Nature understood me not in the way I expected. Every day is a gift of life, isn't it? I got one day license for Association of 1926 part (Skarrid to Clasonborg). River is smaller there, so I primarily used my 11' trout switch rod. Actually, I found only one place, when my big DH rod 14' is usable . The rest is too small. This whole stretch is very beautiful. Some parts look like somewhere in England - similar to surroundings in Oliver Edwards' fly fishing films. River also looked quite shallow in many places, so my big tube flies were left in the car. I primarily tried small featherwing flies on double hooks, similar to "Silver doctor" variant pictured. First place I fished in, looked more like a regular trout stream. I had some bites from what I think was small brown trout. There was no fish strikes in first spots, so I moved to next one...