Slovak vacation Part 2. Bela, Searching for graylings, and classic cars parade

Next day I decided to dedicate to graylings. That's a different kind of fishing - more subtle. Small flies, thin tippets , short and precise casts.

Also, I like the fact that Bela is not crowded, because it's fly fishing only, and not considered a "trophy" part. Vah suffers from heavy pressure from guys throwing woblers here and there, which is kind of annoying.

Beginning of C&R section clearly marked with pos.

River was very clear and shallow, below 40 cm in some places. I walked upstream, probing all places where graylings can hide.

I caught few small ones, and finally got this.

Sections under the bridges also look like good holding spot, there is deeper water. But, casting to this hole is a bit tricky.

I walked above the railroad bridge, caught numerous small graylings, but nothing to brag about. 20-30, I didnt count.

When I returned back, I crossed the road and watched classic car parades. There were Beetle, Mustangs, Chevrolets from 60s, rare Tatra T77, and classic Mercedes Benz.

Unfortunately, I didnt capture all of them.

I felt a bit sick due to yesterday cold bath, and returned to the hotel to sleep.
Unfortunately, my condition deteriorated (virus infection), and I returned to home prematurely.

On the way back, I got ticket from road police for passing the truck in the wrong place. 20 Euro fine, which was surprisinly low for Europe.

So my trip ended not as it supposed to be, I had very nice moments fighting with big rainbows, whicl I will never forget.


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